viernes, 31 de julio de 2020


Well my personal experience was really bad, I forgotted to write the blogs and comments it, but really sorry teacher, it was my mistake

But ignoring this writing a blog is a really fun activity, it made me upgrade on my write abilityes i guess, and also it works as and therapeutic way to confront the quarantine that made us be locked on our houses

It is a really good experience to open up to the internet, express us and talk a little bit of ourselves instead of learn as the traditional way that is always more boring, I really apreciet it, it means a lot that the things we can talk with our thoughts works to evaluate, instead a test or a presentation of a topic that doesn't really matters a lot for me as talk of something I like

I think my writing skills have developed a lot, if I compare as how I started the semester, my vocabulary improves, the time that I talk on english really improved because with this class I finally learn how to combine the tenses.

I really miss write about my childhood, or my experience with the english before this semester, I guess it would be goods topic to talk on the future!


This is really the best blog I had to made

Well, I actually have a cat and a dog, but the dog of my grandma is also a really loved pet that I have

so here we are
This is the rat, or Luna, is my cat and she is 3 years old, is really though sometimes, especially when she gets hungy but the rest of the time is so sweet and adoring, his favourite meal is absolutely everything, the other time with my mom we catch her eating a flower of the garden.
I also made this collage for her, inspirated on The simpsons, when Homer made this for Maggie

My dog is "Huesos" or Dante (yes I always made alternative names for my pets) He is 4 years old, ir really naughty and messy sometimes but is always happy, he always move the tail when saw my mom and my, Also break anything he touches, loves made holes on the garden and barking everything that moves.
This is huesos, on his matapaco's version. He loves to eat the food we made on house, and don't like a lot the dog food we bought, so basically he eats the same we eats, always cared for what doesn't sit good for a dog!


The subject I enjoy studying for this semester was dynamics of the public administration

The teacher Álvaro Ramirez is a really good teacher and the focus that gave to the subject about care the responsibility of the state about the people, the way that we can got ambitious goals and improve the life quality of the society is really nice, the way that it made me say "this is the reason why I study this carrer"

Another fact is the group job that made us made about choose a policy, and my group was the Ministry of women, a really interesting and necessary topic that we need to learn to be a good professional when we graduate.

The methods that the teacher uses to make us focus is really interesting, the videos, the papers, the documents that made us read, the infography, the presentations we need to made, the interviews, he invites person that works on the state, the persons that he provide us to help us on the group jobs, is a really dynamic class that I enjoyed to this semester


I didn't know who to talk about in this blog because the public administration isn't theoric as other disciplines,  but an expert on public law is Jaime Bassa and is a person who I really admired

He is a cathedratic on the Valparaiso University and an expert on public law, he has interesting papers and books as "constituyentes sin poder", he talks a lot of the need of changing our constitution, he explained a lot of controversials on the october 18 about government and the illegalities that Chadwick did for the riot on Chile.

This is the video that i'd love you to see.

Another intervention because he is really knew is the "tie interpelation" that he was victim for other members on the constitutional chamber of the congress, it was really fun because Bassa is an expert on his field and the members only focused him because he didn't wear a tie for the chamber, that was really stupid and make a lot of controversia

Particulary I like the public law and I think is one of the most interesting parts of the Public Administration carrer, so, this is the expert on my field that I admire

jueves, 23 de julio de 2020


Hi there!

Today I will write about my favourite music band
I really like to listen to music, all kind of it, but if I have to choose one, I choose The Smiths

Tres miembros de The Smiths anunciaron su reencuentro sobre el ...

Punctured bicycle
On a hillside desolate
Will nature make a man of me yet?

The Smiths were a rock, post punk or alternative rock band formed on 1982 leaded by Morrissey (iugh) and Johnny Marr, the style of the Marr's guitar sound was really adictive and the lyrics writen by Morrissey really maked a magical melody that still on 2020 a lot of persons enjoys

I know the entire discography of this band, my favourite album is The Smiths hommoninal (1984) with classics like "This Charming Man" "What difference does it make?" and my favourite song of The Smiths "Reel arround the fountain" 

But take me to the haven of your bed
Was something that you never said
Two lumps, please
You're the bee's knees
But so am I...
The band it disintegrated on 1987 with 4 studio albums and a lot of controversitys, fights between the members and a irreconcilable dispute of Mozz and Marr.
Clasics like "There is a light that never goes out" "This Charming Man" "I know it's over" are still beign played like timeless songs, and the band will always been one of the strongest rock icons of the 80's
The Smiths: esa banda encantadora que cambió la historia del rock ...

Blog 4: Movies and Series

A movie that I recommend

I want to you to see Good Will Hunting
Good Will Hunting was directed by Gus Vant Sant and was an amazing movie that won the oscar of best original screenplay on 1998 Academy's Awards

The history tell us about a genius guy Will Hunting who by his decisions always run away of the success, he works on a university but as a toilet asisstant, and one day he saw a really difficult mathematic unsolved problem writen on the board and he solved

The professor asked who did it and he, days after confessed that he did it

Then he started to job with the professor and self-sabotage himself because he has personality disorders, then he started therapy with Sean, a psycologist that helps Will on his disorders, help him to fight them and stop to scape and to be happy.

I really like this movie because I saw it when I had 15 years old and really chokes me, and now with 20 years old I saw it again and still beign a really touching movie that helps to understand who are each of us and to understand myself.

Hope you enjoy it!

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020

Blog 3 My favourite piece of technology

Hi there!

My favourite piece of technology is my computer, since I was a kid i had one of this pieces, I played a lot of time Age of Empires II (that was the only game this PC could ran). I'm really poor so I didn't have internet since 2014, so I only could play offline.
Then I had a laptop from the government and I could play some other titles like Counter Strike 1.6

I like to watch a lot of youtube on that time, I saw movies and have a lot of music that time, and was pretty comfortable, but when I grow up the laptop become more and more slow, so when I was 18 I job and buy my actual PC, I assemble by miself and it's really good, I stay the entire quarentine in front of it, I can play with my friends and really like to do maintenance, keep it clean and learn a bit of computers.
I like it because I can see movies, listen music, play all kind of games, and it's a really interesting way to read and learn about everything.