I didn't know who to talk about in this blog because the public administration isn't theoric as other disciplines, but an expert on public law is Jaime Bassa and is a person who I really admired
He is a cathedratic on the Valparaiso University and an expert on public law, he has interesting papers and books as "constituyentes sin poder", he talks a lot of the need of changing our constitution, he explained a lot of controversials on the october 18 about government and the illegalities that Chadwick did for the riot on Chile.
This is the video that i'd love you to see.
Another intervention because he is really knew is the "tie interpelation" that he was victim for other members on the constitutional chamber of the congress, it was really fun because Bassa is an expert on his field and the members only focused him because he didn't wear a tie for the chamber, that was really stupid and make a lot of controversia
Particulary I like the public law and I think is one of the most interesting parts of the Public Administration carrer, so, this is the expert on my field that I admire
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