viernes, 31 de julio de 2020


The subject I enjoy studying for this semester was dynamics of the public administration

The teacher Álvaro Ramirez is a really good teacher and the focus that gave to the subject about care the responsibility of the state about the people, the way that we can got ambitious goals and improve the life quality of the society is really nice, the way that it made me say "this is the reason why I study this carrer"

Another fact is the group job that made us made about choose a policy, and my group was the Ministry of women, a really interesting and necessary topic that we need to learn to be a good professional when we graduate.

The methods that the teacher uses to make us focus is really interesting, the videos, the papers, the documents that made us read, the infography, the presentations we need to made, the interviews, he invites person that works on the state, the persons that he provide us to help us on the group jobs, is a really dynamic class that I enjoyed to this semester

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